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The Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf is part of the ERASMUS+ programme, UNIVERSEH (European Space University for Earth and Humanity), a new university partnership for fostering the comprehensive development of the space sector in Europe.

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf is part of the ERASMUS+ programme, UNIVERSEH (European Space University for Earth and Humanity), which was founded as a new university partnership for the comprehensive development of the space sector in Europe between newer and more established universities. We are alliance partners with the AGH University of Science & Technology Krakow, the Luleå University of Technology, the Université du Luxembourg, and the Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

The Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum) of the Students Academy (Studierendenakademie) is involved with its language teaching skills in the development and organization of this new European degree program. We offer an interesting range of language courses available for UNIVERSEH students, with the aim of enabling multilingualism and mobility between our European partner universities.

In cooperation with our UNIVERSEH alliance partners, we offer online language courses and workshops, Language Cafés, Terms and Concepts of Space Course for learning terminology on the subject of "Space and Humanity", and we additionally offer test preparation courses for acquiring language certificates in English, German as a Foreign Language, French, Swedish and Polish. Costs for the language exams will be covered for all students enrolled at the HHU who participate in the test preparation courses, thanks to the generous support of the DAAD and the BMBF!  


UNIVERSEH – European Space University for Earth and Humanity is an alliance of:

Registration for our programme:

Students of the HHU can register via the online course catalogue HIS-LSF.
Students studying at our partner universities in Toulouse, Luleå, Luxemburg, and Krakow can register through a registration form.

In principle, this offer is aimed at all enrolled students at the HHU (in all faculties of the university) and those attending our partner universities. You are automatically to be regarded as a UNIVERSEH student - without external registration. The program is still in the initial phase, but an additional final certificate after completing the UNIVERSEH curriculum is planned. If you have any further questions, please visit our website universeh.eu or send us an email:

The UNIVERSEH Multilingualism Programme at the Language Centre has been made possible through the support of:


The UNIVERSEH Multilingualism Programme at the HHU Language Centre offers students the following courses:
