Series of events on founding a company organised by the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics: from conception and idea development to the successful implementation of a business model.
Studium Universale
Are you interested in more than just your own subject? Do you want to use your time at university to expand your general knowledge or take part in interdisciplinary projects?
The Studium Universale programme is aimed at all students who want to get to know new areas of knowledge and are interested beyond their own subject boundaries. Attend seminars and lectures from other faculties and institutions as well as our regional co-operation partners.
The programme is divided into:
The programme comprises a total of 8 SWS and 12 CP. The aim of the programme is to give students who are not studying law an understanding of legal thinking and to provide them with career-specific knowledge.
The module comprises a total of 8 SWS and 12 CP. Basic knowledge of business administration is taught in the areas of management, personnel and organisation as well as financing. One seminar deals with current interdisciplinary business management issues.
The programme on scientific ethics includes seminars on good scientific practice, moral responsibility in science, publication ethics, bioethics and research ethics. The courses comprise 2 SWS and 3 CP.
hochschulradio düsseldorf is a radio station run entirely by students from Düsseldorf's four universities. Since May 2000, it has been broadcasting 24 hours a day on the frequency [97.1] MHz throughout Düsseldorf, on the cable network on [91.2] MHz and via live stream on the Internet.
CampusTV is the television magazine programme for and by students in Düsseldorf.
Scope and crediting of the offer
Courses from the Studium Universale programme can generally be taken freely, combined and, as a rule, credited towards your degree. The number of CP and SWS varies depending on the format, as this is an area of cooperation between different faculties and institutions. For more detailed information regarding the creditability of courses in your degree programme, please contact your academic advisor.